
Founded in 2006 by Amanda Daniels who has been working in the design and web industry since 1998. Qualifying as a Graphic Designer and going on to building some of the largest websites in the UK.

Over the years, Koogar have worked with thousands of the Business Owners and Marketing Managers who; exhibit pride, passion and commitment in what they do, want to work organically and be seen authentically.

Primary Address
1-27 Bridport St, , Liverpool , , United Kingdom L3 5QF
  • Contact Name:
  • Phone Number: +44.1925.699240
Key Facts
Revenue: $100,000 - $200,000
Firm Size:
No of Clients: 50+
Client List:
Services: SEO, Web Design, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, SEM, Ecommerce SEO, Content Marketing, Enterprise SEO, Digital Strategy
Key People:

Sponsorship in July 2024 - Koogar


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